The Calendar module is built into Python 3. But for some reason it is installed by default.
We can install it to
- Windows Administrator using :
pip install calendar
sudo pip install calendar
After the Calendar module is imported ,
import calendar
Lets see how we can use the Calendar module...
1. Displaying a month in wall calendar fashion.
jan =calendar.TextCalendar(calendar.MONDAY) jan.prmonth(2022,1)
The 1st month of the year 2022 is printed below.
2. Displaying the number of leap years between two specific years.
leaps = calendar.leapdays(1900,2019) print("There are",leaps,"leap years betweeen 1900 and 2019")
So there are 29 leap years between 1900 and 2019
3. Displaying a whole year calendar.
year = int(input("Enter a year : ")) print(calendar.prcal(year))
For the input I entered 2022 , so the whole 2022 calendar is printed.
4. Printing the individual months.
for name in calendar.month_name: print(name)
5. Printing the individual days.
for name in calendar.day_name: print(name)
6. The Calendar module also allows us to write the functions in HTML, so that you can display it on a website. Let's start by creating a new file ,
year = int(input("Enter the year to be displayed :")) cal = open("/Users/oneth/Work/CODES/cal.html","w") cal.write(calendar.HTMLCalendar(calendar.MONDAY).formatyear(year)) cal.close()